Investigations away from Drinks Sum so you can Times Intake in summer and you will Wintertime

Investigations away from Drinks Sum so you can Times Intake in summer and you will Wintertime

Investigations away from Drinks Sum so you can Times Intake in summer and you will Wintertime

Equipment off People Nutrition, Agencies off Restaurants Technology and you can People Nutrients, Farming School from Athens, 75 Iera Odos St., Athens 11855, Greece; E-Mails: (O.Meters.); (V.B.); (A beneficial.Z.)

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All drinks hydrate and most also provide nutrients and energy. Our objective was to evaluate the contribution of drinks to total energy intake in summer and winter. Data were obtained using the Water Balance Questionnaire (WBQ) from a sample of the general population in Athens, Greece (n = 984), 473 individuals (42 ± 18 years) in summer and 511 individuals (38 ± 20 years) in winter stratified by sex and age. The WBQ embeds a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire of 58 foods and the Short International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Data were analyzed for the contribution of drinks to total energy intake. In winter, total energy intake was 2082 ± 892 kcal/day; energy intake from drinks was 479 ± 286 kcal/day and energy expenditure 1860 ± 390 kcal/day. In summer, total energy intake was 1890 ± 894 kcal/day, energy intake from drinks 492 ± 499 kcal/day and energy expenditure 1830 ± 491 kcal/day. Energy intake from drinks in summer was higher than in winter (p < 0.001)> Keywords: water balance questionnaire WBQ, winter, summer, hydration, sugar-sweetened drinks, drink

1. Addition

Drinks in the types of beverage, java, milk, juices, carbonated drinks, eating plan beverages, energy beverages and alcoholic beverages are available in a giant and you may broadening level of choices. Assortment meets flavor preferences, nutritional standards, and lifestyle needs, assuming some beverages are available, it’s prone to visited euhydration .

Beverages lead everything twenty-five%–50% regarding drinking habits [dos,step three,4], ergo he’s necessary for conference daily liquid demands and achieving euhydration. Hydration might have been on the fix off normal bodily and intellectual attributes .

Yet not, it’s been argued that products contribute somewhat to the increasing obesity costs all over the world [6,7], simply because of the times articles [8,nine,10]. In some knowledge, Sugar Sweetened Beverages (SSB) usage could have been of putting on weight in kids and adults , while you are research that coming down SSBs often decrease the risk of obesity and associated illness such as type 2 diabetes could have been seen since powerful . Time consumption of beverages has grown significantly over the past 40 many years of the whenever 222 unhealthy calories per individual just about every day .

However, products in the certain groups don’t lead just as in order to opportunity intake . The ability posts of the drink along with use models may suggest or even, i.elizabeth., specific caloric beverages may be ate hardly ergo contributing little to help you everyday times intake. This has been argued you to replacement sweetened caloric drinks having liquids can help clean out total opportunity intake into the heavy users . Nonetheless, usage of sweetened caloric beverages try a complicated material that be considered not in the caloric contribution and in the fresh context of losing weight activities .

Moreover, in addition in order to food application, some issues including seasonality, physical exercise profile and you will sex could affect the fresh assortment inside drink alternatives and sum to help you total energy consumption. These circumstances haven’t been completely examined; next degree in this field often clarify the modern case of energy consumption out-of dieting present and you may out-of beverages specifically.

Inside a past data presented when you look at the Greece, utilizing the Liquids Equilibrium Survey (WBQ) product, we discovered that into the 984 adults, 24% regarding drinking habits arises from drinks . There’s an enthusiastic unequivocal need certainly to next hard in these results, elucidating new sum of beverages so you’re able to complete time intake and you can harmony.

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